Monday, April 22, 2013


Here I sit, swaddled by a green Lay-z-boy, tears falling.  And I’m not really sure why. I cannot verbalize any one emotion to describe the torrent that presses in.  Two boys in bed, animals tended, dishwasher pulsing in the background… I should find solace in this quiet house.  Instead, I close my eyes, allowing the grasp of fatigue to take hold.  So many changes.   So many battles.  So many questions. 

Are they really ready to fly?

M-----, no longer a little girl,
Preens her feathers,
Soaring from my nest, too soon.

H----, a little girl hidden,
Evades time and space,
Free falling from my nest, too soon.

Too soon, too soon!
Where will you shelter in the rain?
Will you find nourishment as the world surrounds you?

From my nest I will wait.
A tired mother, hoping for your future,
Wondering why the years have gone, too soon.


  1. Yes, these are the changes you knew were coming. But it doesn't make it any easier to get through. But, even though they leave, they come back. And that's special.

  2. I remember so well these same emotions cascading over me when Scott became engaged. I thought there is still so much I haven't taught him. Our lives are passages and each new passage brings joy and tears. It's part of being a mom.

  3. There's definitely a delicate balance between holding on and letting go... I'm a pro at the "holding on" part!
